Weeping Men / Sauna performance & lunch 22.02 / Barents Spektakel 2025
Velkommen til sauna-forestilling & lunsj i fiskeværet Bugøynes / Welcome to the sauna performance Weeping Men & lunch in the fishing village Bugøynes

Tenk deg å gå inn i en varm badstue der dampen omslutter deg, svetteperler dannes på huden din, og hjertet begynner å rase. Rundt deg sitter det finske hylekoret Huutajat, inspirert av eldgamle eddadikt fylles luften med rytmiske rop og klagesang. Forestillingen pulserer energisk og skifter fra rå intensitet til skjør sårbarhet.
Velkommen til premieren av en helt ny og spesiell forestilling under Barents Spektakel - samt besøk og lunsj i den vakre landsbyen Bugøynes, kjent under tilnavnet "Lille Finland".
Weeping Men utfolder seg i tre saunaøkter som hver representerer et stadium i en dyp og rensende reise. I badstuen sitter publikum skulder ved skulder med utøverne, aktive vitner til en kollektiv rensing, hvor de "gråtende vikingene" gradvis fjerner seg fra sin makt og dominans.
Praktisk info:
Selve performancen skjer inne i stor-badstua Barents Sauna Camp, lokalisert ved Varangerfjorden 2 km fra fiskeværet Bugøynes, og blir varmet opp til ca. 75 grader. Du kan gå inn og ut av saunaen etter eget behov underveis. Det er garderober, toalett og drikkevann tilgjengelig, men ingen dusj. Det vil være vertskap til stede under hele oppholdet. Personlige eiendeler kan oppbevares i bussen eller i garderobene.
Merk at det er to billettyper: én som inkluderer lunsj & busstransport tur/retur Kirkenes. Lunsjen serveres på Bugøynes Bistro med buffet bestående av salater, suppe, fiskerett og kjøttrett, samt kaffe. For billettypen som kun gjelder forestillingen, må publikum møte opp direkte ved saunaen i Bugøynes (Fv355 1, 9935 Bugøynes) senest kl. 11:45.
Ta med deg:
- Vannflaske (unngå metallflaske)
- Badetøy
- 2 håndklær: 1 til å sitte på badstua, 1 til å tørke deg etterpå
Tidsplan (med forbehold om at noe forsinkelse kan oppstå)
09.45: Oppmøte Scandic hotell, Kirkenes
10.00: Avgang fra Scandic hotell, Kirkenes
11.45: Ankomst, Bugøynes sauna, velkomst & omkledning
12.00: Performance
13.15: Avgang buss til Bugøynes & bistro for lunsjbuffet
14.30: Avgang fra Bugøynes til Kirkenes
16.00: Ankomst Kirkenes
Har du spørsmål om forestillingen, transport, har matallergier eller annet, send epost til: signe@art-and-about.dk med "Spørsmål Weeping Men" i tittelfeltet.
Imagine stepping into a sauna. Heat and steam envelop you, beads of sweat form on your skin, and your heart begins to race. Around you, the Finnish shouting choir Huutajat sits, filling the air with rhythmic shouts and lamentations inspired by the ancient Edda poems. Their performance pulses with energy, shifting from raw intensity to fragile vulnerability.
Welcome to the premiere of a brand new and special performance during Barents Spektakel - as well as a visit and lunch in the beautiful village of Bugøynes, known by the nickname "Little Finland".
Weeping Men unfolds in three sauna rounds, each representing a stage in a profound, detoxifying journey. The audience sits shoulder to shoulder with the performers inside the sauna, becoming active witnesses to a collective cleansing, where the "crying Vikings" gradually strip away their power and dominance. Through this, we subvert the Viking stereotype, delving into toxic brotherhood, cyclical patterns of historical power, and the dangers of destructive, violent communities.
Practical info:
The performance itself takes place inside the large sauna Barents Sauna Camp, located by the Varangerfjord 2 km from the fishing village of Bugøynes, and is heated to approx. 75 degrees. You can enter and exit the sauna as you wish along the way. There are changing rooms, toilets and drinking water available, but no showers. There will be hosts present throughout your stay. Personal belongings can be stored in the bus or in the changing rooms.
There are two ticket types: one that includes lunch & bus transport from/to Kirkenes. Lunch is served at Bugøynes Bistro with a buffet consisting of salads, soup, fish and meat dishes, as well as coffee, and is included in the ticket. For the ticket type that only applies to the performance, the audience must meet directly at the sauna in Bugøynes (Fv355 1, 9935 Bugøynes) latest at 11:45.
Bring with you:
- Water bottle (avoid metal bottles)
- Swimwear
- 2 towels: 1 to sit in the sauna, 1 to dry yourself afterwards
Schedule (subject to possible delays)
09.45: Meet up by Scandic hotel, Kirkenes
10.00: Departure Scandic Hotel, Kirkenes
11.45: Arrival sauna & changing rooms
12.00: Performance
13.15: Departure to the village Bugøynes & bistro for lunch buffet
14.30: Departure from Bugøynes to Kirkenes
16.00: Arrival Kirkenes
If you have any questions about the performance, transportation, food allergies, etc., please send an email to: signe@art-and-about.dk with "Questions Weeping Men" in the subject line.
Artistic concept / Director: Tone Haldrup Lorenzen
Co-director: Aris Papadopoulos
Composer/Performer: Petri Sirvïo
Huutajat Performers: Antti Pylväs, Tuomo Heikkinen, Janne Törmänen, Hannu Koivula, Raimo Juola-Hietaniemi, Jani Isokääntä, Matti Honkala
Director of Photography and Editing: Lise Johansson
Research: Simon Gregersen
Voice consultant: Paula Molinari
Producer: Art&About, Signe Sandvej and Sigrid Aakvik
Co-production: CuntsCollective and Pikene på Broen
Kjøpte billetter refunderes ikke. Dette gjelder ikke dersom arrangementet blir avlyst. // Tickets are non-refundable unless there is a cancellation.